Mukha Ad celebrates 19!!
Mukha AD opened its 19th year officially yesterday,July 6,with its Homecoming.

Some members of Mukha AD batches 1-5
It is a delight to see the faces from the older batches. And it was nice to mingle once again with my batchmates.

My Batchmates!!! with the early bird-Myllovelle
The biggest number of attendees came from my batch( Batch 14 ). Joining me were Archie, Dulce, Jayson and Roselyn. Mylovelle came earlier. She wasn't able to attend the program proper because of her work. I wished Jing, Jacq, Mariane, Eduard and Leandro were there too..All the batches were represented expect for Batch 10.
The dynamic duo of Kuya Rizal (batch 5) and Ate Myrna (batch 3) graced the affair. We had a doze of laughter with their wild antics. Ate Jing from Batch 1 and Fray Caloy, this years Community Animator, rendered beautiful songs. The words from Fr. Clarence, Fr. Ziggy, Fr, Liklik, Ate Malou, Kuya David and Kuya Ronnie were really inspirational.

Archie(b14) receives pin from Kuya Eugene (b3)
We made new acquaintances with the Human Bingo game. Sienna (batch 10), Cha (batch 17) and Jayson (batch 18) were the winners. We had a guessing game too.
Of course, no event will be complete without the food. We joyously share the cocktail prepared. I particularly liked the clubhouse and the cocktail hotdogs!
All in all, the event was successful. This affair once again proved that once a Mukha Ader, always a Mukha Ader!Despite the distance and time, the memories and lessons learned will forever remain in each of the members heart.
This is a night of experience and faith relived..of rekindling old memories and friendship..
To my MUKHA AD family, thank you for all the lessons shared. Let us continue to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with the Lord!
Abou ben adhem!(May your tribe increase!)
Visit http://aco1116.multiply.com for more of the pics
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